The girls got a hand on the staff’s board in the lobby. They made a list of the “Handsome guys!”: Paul, Eric, Edward, Tattooed guy [James], and Jack Effron. I’m guessing they were going for Zach Effron.
The girls, unlike Americans their age, were quite straightforward and announced to the class early on their intentions of stalking Oliver, Eric, and Paul during the entirety of their stay at SEV. During break time, each girl sought after their love to profess their admiration. I thought it was funny at first, and even encouraged it, as it was quite entertaining. On the third day, after the 3,239th time Christine told me, “I love Paul,” I was ready to slap her silly. In fact, after giving an assignment to create sentences using different vocabulary words, I was not surprised to see that every single sentence was about him:
Christine’s sentences only about Paul… creepy.
“I think about Paul all the time.”
The girls’ antics got so bad that the guys ended up having to stay in the office during breaks. I felt pretty bad for them, seeing that it could be a seriously awkward situation; these girls were 15 and not 7, and throwing themselves at them all day, everyday. At one point, after Melissa told one girl that she was engaged to Eric, the girl started crying and was extremely angry when I told her it was a joke.
I may have had my stalker moments as a teenager, but I don’t think anything compares to this.
I suppose the whole obsession-with-the-foreign-teacher thing is more teeny-bopperish than anything, but I just can not imagine Western girls doing the same things. I remember gushing about crushes in diaries and staying up all night talking about boys on the phone. Yet, I don’t think any of us would have had been ballsy enough to make such gestures like the ones I witnessed. Still, the crushes that the Korean girls have keep me entertained and I continue to look forward to the crying and marriage proposals that will undoubtedly occur in the future.