Heyri Art Village

Places to Check Out in Paju That Have Nothing to Do With North Korea

Paju is perhaps most associated with its geographical location, as it sits just south of Panmunjeom on the 38th parallel, steps away from North Korea. As the peninsula’s most famous border town, many might assume that Paju is a drab, frightful place, but in actuality, it’s just the opposite. Sure, it may be the final …

Seoul Walks: Enchanting Heyri Art Village, Part Three

After enjoying a nice afternoon sweet, get ready to explore Korea’s history, as well as its contemporary culture, as you continue your tour of Heyri Art Village. (In case you missed it, check out Part 1 and Part 2 of this series for  more Heyri attractions.) A Blast From the Past Founded in 1976, leading …

Seoul Walks: Enchanting Heyri Art Village, Part Two

Continuing on from part one of the “Seoul Walks: Enchanting Heyri Art Village” guide, Seoul Searching explores some more of the cultural attractions of the quaint area, as well as the best places to satisfy your sweet tooth. Music To Your Ears  In a country known for K-pop, a classical music cafe might be the …

Seoul Walks: Enchanting Heyri Art Village, Part One

Less than an hour’s drive north of Seoul sits an enchanting community of artists. Envisioned and created by a well known book publisher, Heyri Art Village is now home to over 400 painters, potters, photographers, musicians, architects and writers. Not only does its proximity to Seoul make it a great day trip option, but its …

Day Trippin’: Heyri Art Village

For a full, updated walking tour of Heyri, check out Seoul Searching’s three-part Seoul Walks: Enchanting Heyri Art Village series.  Less than an hour’s drive north of Seoul sits an enchanting community of artists. Envisioned and created by a well known book publisher, Heyri Art Village is now home to over 370 painters, potters, photographers, …