Month: August 2012

Coffee With Character, Part 3

As promised, I’ve continued the search for Seoul’s best themed cafes. I am happy to report that my most recent finds include a diverse mix of polar bears, bananas, puppies, and cupcakes that will make you scream… with delight. So, without further ado, I give you Coffee with Character, Part Three. Banana Tree (Sinsa-dong, see …

Day Trippin’: Heyri Art Village

For a full, updated walking tour of Heyri, check out Seoul Searching’s three-part Seoul Walks: Enchanting Heyri Art Village series.  Less than an hour’s drive north of Seoul sits an enchanting community of artists. Envisioned and created by a well known book publisher, Heyri Art Village is now home to over 370 painters, potters, photographers, …

In the Hood: Ehwa Women’s University

There’s nothing I love more than spending a lazy Sunday afternoon exploring the neighborhoods of Seoul. It seems that no matter how many times I visit an area, I’m always finding something new, whether it be a park, a boutique, or a street food vendor. So, in hopes of sharing my discoveries with other curious …

Pungnyu at the Palace

Korea wasn’t always an incredibly modern, high tech, “bbali, bbali” (“hurry, hurry”) country. In fact, back in the day before it was a nation of Samsung and skyscrapers, its residents preferred a simpler, slower paced lifestyle. I remember when this fact was first brought to my attention last year. I was walking with a Korean …

Beaches and Buddha in Busan

Busan is South Korea’s second largest city and despite it being only 450 km from Seoul, it couldn’t be more different than the nation’s capital. My mom and I decided to take a trip down south back in May during Buddha’s Birthday, a national holiday here in Korea. We hopped the incredibly comfortable and efficient …

Summer Eats and Treats

Temperatures have reached upwards of 36 degrees (that’s 96 for you Americans) here in Seoul and many people are saying that this is the hottest summer they can remember in Korea. The heat and humidity have made the days quite miserable lately, forcing Seoulites indoors as the parasols and fans just won’t cut it.  I’m …

Mixin’ It Up at Chef’s Night In with Bacardi Korea

The following post is a piece I wrote for and Bridge Magazine. There’s no doubt that La Cuisine Cooking Academy’s Chef Night In is the event of the summer. Already in full swing, the series of dinner parties features international chefs that prepare a hand-selected three course menu all the while sharing stories of …