cafes in seoul

A Girl’s Guide to Gangnam, Day One: Sinsa-dong

Psy may have put Gangnam on the map with his bow-ties and “gentleman”ly behavior, but the fact of the matter is… Gangnam is for girls. Recently, I took a bit of a staycation in Seoul’s upscale district in search of the area’s best shopping, dining and entertainment facilities and made a point to take plenty …

Dae-oh Book Store 33 Cafe: A Place of History, Culture and Family

When I first moved to Korea, I spent every minute of my free time getting lost in the neighborhoods of Seoul. Wandering the unknown became a hobby and through it, I was able to learn a lot about my new home and discover many a hidden gem, whether it be a cafe, an interesting sculpture …

South Korea’s Best Themed Cafes

Over the past decade, coffee shops have taken over the streets throughout South Korea; it’s impossible to walk around neighborhood without running into a Starbucks, Dunkin Donuts, or Tom and Toms. Competition for customers is high so it’s not surprising that entrepreneurs have begun to try out creative methods to make their businesses stand out …

Coffee With Character, Part 3

As promised, I’ve continued the search for Seoul’s best themed cafes. I am happy to report that my most recent finds include a diverse mix of polar bears, bananas, puppies, and cupcakes that will make you scream… with delight. So, without further ado, I give you Coffee with Character, Part Three. Banana Tree (Sinsa-dong, see …

Coffee with Character, Part 2

It wasn’t too long ago that I wrote a piece featuring some of the themed cafes of Seoul. It turned out to be a popular post, so I’ve decided to write my first follow-up entry highlighting some other quirky cafes I’ve visited since then. Travel has always been a passion of mine, so I was …

Coffee with Character

Seeing as Korea is an Asian country, most might assume that its people’s drink of choice would be tea. That may have been true in the past, but in the late 1800s, King Gojong was introduced to coffee by the Russians and was quick to start importing the stuff into Korea. Since then, its people …