
1, 2, Cha, Cha, Cha: The Rounds of Korean Nightlife

It’s no secret that Koreans are some of the hardest workers in the world. From a young age, one spends his or her school days buried in books, memorizing endless pages of material while hopping from math academy to English lessons to study hall. There’s very little time for play, or childhood, for that matter. …

The Definitive Guide to Hongdae

Perhaps no other neighborhood in all of Seoul embodies Korea’s youth culture as well as Hongdae. Here, the streets are alive with a youthful spirit that fosters a creativity evident in the sounds of busking musicians, in the colorful graffiti on the walls and in the unique fashion and hair styles sported by the young …

Top 5 Vegan (and Vegan-Friendly) Restaurants in Seoul

I often get many e-mails requesting recommendations for vegan eats in Korea. While I appreciate vegan food, and have had some fantastic dining experiences at vegan restaurants in the city, I’m most certainly no expert. So, I enlisted the help of someone who is. Amanda from SoKoreazy.com has graciously offered to share her top five …

Girls’ Night Out, Hongdae Style

Nowhere else in Asia (or perhaps the world) does nightlife as well as Seoul, and although there’s a party for everyone, there are a number of places designed especially for the entertainment of women. But we’re not just talking buy-one-get-one-free drinks and half priced appetizers. Think more along the lines of cute guys in hard …

My First Korean Tarot Card Reading

“Oh God,” I wince as the card I have just drawn from a well-worn deck is turned over to reveal an ominous image that instantly reminds me of the woman from The Ring. “That can’t be good,” I note as my eyes take in the oriental ink sketching that surely, in my mind, is indicative …

Coffee with Character, Part V

The temperatures in Korea are dropping quickly.  Too quickly if you ask me.  Soon enough, Seoulites will be forced to bundle up and head indoors to escape the harsh Korean winter weather..  While there are plenty of things to do throughout the city during the winter, there’s no better place to pass a cold day …