food tour

Explore the World of Polish Vodka with Eat Polska

It’s a widely known fact that Poles love their vodka, a spirit with a history and culture that are as interesting and complex as Poland itself. Which is exactly why sampling the national beverage was a main priority of mine when visiting Warsaw last month. But instead of braving the bars (which sources say there …

A Taste of Local Korean Cuisine with Gastro Tour Seoul

These days, there are so many ways for visitors to Seoul to explore the culinary treats of the city. With a practically endless list of taste tours and cooking classes available, it seems easy to delve into Korean cuisine. But the fact of the matter is that there are so many hidden treasures tucked away …

Sampling Seoul: A Night Dining Tour with O’ngo Food Communications

Korean cuisine, much like the country’s people, is vibrant, flavorful, eclectic and packs a lot of punch. It’s so diverse that it would take years to try each banchan (side dish), variety of kimchi (there’s over 200!) and regional and seasonal specialty. Fortunately for gastronomes eager to sample Korea’s tastiest cuisine in a limited amount …

Jong-ga Dining at Jeonju’s Hakindang House

It’s rare, if not impossible, that you will find yourself having a bad Korean meal in Korea.  It just doesn’t happen.  But every so often, usually when it’s least expected, you will experience culinary nirvana.  It will be a meal that proves to be unique from any other you’ve had in the past, one that …

A Food Tour to Andong (All Ghosts Invited)

Andong is a city located in Gyeongsangbuk Province, South Korea. Once a home to many Confucian scholars, it was historically known as the capital of academia and intellectual culture of Korea. It is also often associated with folk traditions, particularly the well-known Andong mask dances. What many do not realize, however, is that Andong is …