Korean culture

Boys Before Flowers: My Guilty Pleasure

Never have I been an avid television watcher. Sure, I’ve had my bouts of Grey’s Anatomy addictiveness here and there, but I have never seen an entire season of any show from start to finish. That is, until now. A short time ago, I wrote that I had been enjoying Korean television as I got …

And We’re Not Even Michael Phelps…

Let’s just make this clear… Koreans can eat. Eat in extremely large portions for an exceedingly long amount of time. With the exception of some children, the majority of them remain stick thin. It’s unreal. The Korean dining experience is pretty fantastic. At most traditional restaurants, customers remove their shoes and sit on the floors. …

Matchy-Matchy Much?

Yes, I did it- spent yet another day in Myeongdong picking up some more “necessities.” As I’ve previously posted, the Korean fashion scene paints a picture for the commonly used phrase, “Beauty is pain.” I have to admit, I admire the high heel-clad women of all ages forever sporting the trendiest threads. The male perms …

Eye of the Beholder: What Does Beauty Mean in Korea?

In making a run to the 7-Eleven a few days ago, I was introduced to an interesting Asian product while browsing the cosmetic isle: double eyelid tape. These strips are used by Korean females (and more recently males) to do simply what their name implies- create a crease in the eyelid. This came across as odd …