Tea Therapy: Samcheongdong’s Healing Restaurant

These days, I’m trying hard to alter my lifestyle to be a healthier, happier me. This entails everything from establishing a morning routine of drinking lemon water, stretching and dry brushing to cooking with fresh ingredients, limiting sugar intake and snacking on green smoothies. I’m learning that what we put into our bodies greatly affects …

Explore Asia this Fall with Apple Tours and Travel

Korea has some incredible places to see and explore but sometimes it’s nice to get out and travel other Asian lands. While the internet has made independent travel incredibly easy (and I’ll be the first to admit, I love planning my own trips), sometimes it’s nice to let someone else do the planning and booking …

Kiri-no-Sato Takahara Hotel: A Refuge on Japan’s Kumano Kodo

This is my fourth trip to Japan, but something is different about this visit. I’ve bypassed the major cities and tourist hot-spots and ventured off the beaten path to Takahara, a small mountain village located in the heart of Wakayama Prefecture, about two hours south of Osaka. I sit in my modest but comfortable room …

What’s In My Memebox: Superbox #33 Collagen Cosmetics

Those that follow Seoul Searching may already be familiar with Memebox from my previous post. For those of you that have yet to be introduced to this brilliant service, Memebox is a Korea-based cosmetics company that is allowing the world to experience the wonder that is K-beauty one delivery at a time. Similar to other …

Hanging Out in Hyehwa

Once the center of Seoul’s art and music scene, Hyehwa is a neighborhood bursting with creativity and youthful energy. The area is situated in the northeastern part of the capital and is also known as Daehangno, a nickname derived from dehag, or “university,” because of its close proximity to a number of learning institutes. Over …

Sampling Seoul: A Night Dining Tour with O’ngo Food Communications

Korean cuisine, much like the country’s people, is vibrant, flavorful, eclectic and packs a lot of punch. It’s so diverse that it would take years to try each banchan (side dish), variety of kimchi (there’s over 200!) and regional and seasonal specialty. Fortunately for gastronomes eager to sample Korea’s tastiest cuisine in a limited amount …

Ben Heine: Penciling in Seoul

Multidisciplinary artist Ben Heine has been on the radar of art enthusiasts and contemporary artists alike for a few years now. He has proved himself to be one of the more unique artists of the decade with his unique ability to mix traditional mediums to create modern, visually striking images. In addition to photography and …

Blogger Beauty Night at Piccasso Studio

It has occurred to me that many of my recent posts have pertained to Korean beauty. I should make it clear that Seoul Searching is not converting into a beauty blog- I’m far too unqualified for that to even be an option. The reason for the increase in K-beauty posts is because Korean cosmetics and …

Top 10 Attractions at Everland Theme Park

Everland is, without a doubt, Korea’s best amusement park. Modeled after Disney World- albeit on a much smaller scale- the theme park consists of plenty of fun attractions that draw in more than 7 million visitors a year. With those attendance numbers, one can only imagine what the weekend crowds are like, particularly at peak …

Memebox: K-Beauty Delivered Straight to Your Door

It’s safe to say that Korea has garnered a reputation for being one of the top beauty destinations of the world. With innovative and multi-functional products and an entertainment industry that constantly cranks out new trends, the world is beginning to turn to South Korea for all their beauty needs. So much so that the …